
Table of Contents
CN0273: High Speed FET Input Instrumentation Amplifier with Low Input Bias Current and High AC Common-Mode Rejection
The circuit is a high speed FET input, gain-of-5 instrumentation amplifier (in-amp) with a wide bandwidth (35 MHz) and excellent ac common-mode rejection, CMR, (55 dB at 10 MHz). The circuit is ideal for applications where a high input impedance, fast in-amp is required, including RF, video, optical signal sensing, and high speed instrumentation. The high CMR and bandwidth also makes it ideal as a wideband differential line receiver. Ideal as a wideband differential line receiver.
- EVAL-CN0273-EB1Z circuit evaluation board
- +/-5 V dual power supply
- Signal generator with a balanced differential drive source
- 3 SMA to BNC Connector
Power Supply
+/-5V supply should be supplied to the connector for proper operation of the evaluation board
Input Signal
Signal Generator w/ Balanced Differential Drive Source can be used as an input source.
Peak to Peak Input Voltage Restriction
Common Mode Input Voltage Restriction
- Allowable input common-mode range for the composite circuit is from −3.5 V to +2.2 V
Bandwidth Input Restriction
- Allowable input frequency bandwidth is 35MHz @ -3dB, typical for G = 5
Output Measurement
Oscilloscope can be used to measure the output of the evaluation board with a gain of 14db below 10Mhz input as indicited in the graph below.
FET Amplifier Input Gain Stage
- The circuit has a differential inputs gain of 1 + 2RF/RG
- Where,
- RF = Resistor R5 and R6
- RG = Resistor R7
- For this circuit, a feedback resistor of 200 Ω was chosen. The feedback capacitor, CF, was 2 pF for the best bandwidth flatness.
- When the inputs are common-mode, there is no current flowing through the RG gain resistor. Thus, the circuit acts as a buffer for the common-mode inputs.
- Schematics (PDF)
- Bill of Materials (Excel)
- Layout Gerbers (ZIP)
- Assembly Drawing (PDF)
End of Document
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