Measuring electromagnetic properties
of materials can provide insight into
applications in many areas of science
and technology, and increasingly, these
properties need to be evaluated at the
nanometer scale. Since electromagnetic
properties, such as the dielectric constant,
are ultimately related to a material’s
molecular structure, correlating the
detailed physical structure of a material
with its electromagnetic properties
is frequently more valuable than the
knowledge of either alone.
Agilent Technologies’ Scanning
Microwave Microscope (SMM) Mode
is a new Scanning Probe Microscope
(SPM) that combines the electromagnetic
measurement capabilities of a microwave
vector network analyzer (VNA) with the
nanometer-resolution and Angstrom-
scale positioning capabilities of an Atomic
Force Microscope (AFM).
Measuring electromagnetic properties
of materials can provide insight into
applications in many areas of science
and technology, and increasingly, these
properties need to be evaluated at the
nanometer scale. Since electromagnetic
properties, such as the dielectric constant,
are ultimately related to a material’s
molecular structure, correlating the
detailed physical structure of a material
with its electromagnetic properties
is frequently more valuable than the
knowledge of either alone.
Agilent Technologies’ Scanning
Microwave Microscope (SMM) Mode
is a new Scanning Probe Microscope
(SPM) that combines the electromagnetic
measurement capabilities of a microwave
vector network analyzer (VNA) with the
nanometer-resolution and Angstrom-
scale positioning capabilities of an Atomic
Force Microscope (AFM).
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