The Agilent N2X IPTV QoE
Test Solution can:
Validate IPTV infrastructure
scalability limits by emulating
and measuring thousands of
subscribers and 500 channels per
port of actual video
Quantify IPTV QoE degradation due
to the impact of other Multiplay
services, such as time-sensitive
voice and bursty data traffic
Create a real-world test
environment, helping to ensure
IPTV quality isn’t compromised by
network instabilities, by emulating
dynamic subscriber behavior such
as channel zapping, new Internet
connection requests and DHCP
Validate IPTV service quality for
every subscriber through per
subscriber MDI video quality
View actual video quality by
replaying captured video, providing
faster “time to insigh"
Test Solution can:
Validate IPTV infrastructure
scalability limits by emulating
and measuring thousands of
subscribers and 500 channels per
port of actual video
Quantify IPTV QoE degradation due
to the impact of other Multiplay
services, such as time-sensitive
voice and bursty data traffic
Create a real-world test
environment, helping to ensure
IPTV quality isn’t compromised by
network instabilities, by emulating
dynamic subscriber behavior such
as channel zapping, new Internet
connection requests and DHCP
Validate IPTV service quality for
every subscriber through per
subscriber MDI video quality
View actual video quality by
replaying captured video, providing
faster “time to insigh"
更多 >
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