Welcome to the second edition of Agilent Technologies
Understanding Jitter and Wander Measurements and Standards
booklet, the distillation of over 20 years’ experience and know-how
in the field of telecommunications jitter testing.
The Telecommunications Networks Test Division of Agilent
Technologies (formerly Hewlett-Packard) in Scotland introduced the
first jitter measurement instrument in 1982 for PDH rates up to E3
and DS3, followed by one of the first 140 Mb/s jitter testers in 1984.
SONET/SDH jitter test capability followed in the 1990s, and recently
Agilent introduced one of the first 10 Gb/s Optical Channel jitter test
sets for measurements on the new ITU-T G.709 frame structure. Over
the years, Agilent has been a significant participant in the
development of jitter industry standards, with many contributions to
ITU-T O.172/O.173, the standards for jitter test equipment, and
Telcordia GR-253/ ITU-T G.783, the standards for operational
SONET/SDH network equipment.
Understanding Jitter and Wander Measurements and Standards
booklet, the distillation of over 20 years’ experience and know-how
in the field of telecommunications jitter testing.
The Telecommunications Networks Test Division of Agilent
Technologies (formerly Hewlett-Packard) in Scotland introduced the
first jitter measurement instrument in 1982 for PDH rates up to E3
and DS3, followed by one of the first 140 Mb/s jitter testers in 1984.
SONET/SDH jitter test capability followed in the 1990s, and recently
Agilent introduced one of the first 10 Gb/s Optical Channel jitter test
sets for measurements on the new ITU-T G.709 frame structure. Over
the years, Agilent has been a significant participant in the
development of jitter industry standards, with many contributions to
ITU-T O.172/O.173, the standards for jitter test equipment, and
Telcordia GR-253/ ITU-T G.783, the standards for operational
SONET/SDH network equipment.
更多 >
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