The video industry is making a monumental transition
from analog broadcasting to digital data delivery,
and the effects will be wide reaching socially as well as
technically. Led by satellite service operators—with cable
operators, terrestrial broadcasters, and wireline and
wireless telco carriers following hot on their heels—there
is a stampede to be first to market with digital service
bouquets. But the path to this new technology is full
of pitfalls. In this paper we will examine techniques
for avoiding some of those pitfalls. We'll look at the
measurements and tests that can be used to develop,
install, maintain, and troubleshoot these new digital
video (DV) systems.
from analog broadcasting to digital data delivery,
and the effects will be wide reaching socially as well as
technically. Led by satellite service operators—with cable
operators, terrestrial broadcasters, and wireline and
wireless telco carriers following hot on their heels—there
is a stampede to be first to market with digital service
bouquets. But the path to this new technology is full
of pitfalls. In this paper we will examine techniques
for avoiding some of those pitfalls. We'll look at the
measurements and tests that can be used to develop,
install, maintain, and troubleshoot these new digital
video (DV) systems.
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