阐述了光纤监测复合材料成型过程的原理和可行性。研制了依据强度调制的光纤传感器监测复合材料固化成型过程中的内部变化历程, 进行了从实验室到生产现场的监测实验。监测结果比较灵敏、精确, 达到实用化,为光纤智能威廉希尔官方网站
关键词: 复合材料; 固化; 光纤传感器; 强度调制
Abstract: It is difficult to insure the quality of composites for the reason that there are comp licated p rocesses during curing p rocess of composites. There is a W e need to develop an advanced on2line monitoring system for the curing p rocess of composites. It is feasible to develop fiber op tic sensors to monitor the molding p rocess of composite materials. A s the development of fiber op tic technologies, the physical parameters, chem ical parameters and themechanical parameters of composites during the molding p rocess arem igh tily monitored. In th is paper, the p rincip le of sensing themolding p rocess of composites by fiber op tic is introduced. The feasibility of establish ing the smart fiber op tic2compositessystem is set forth. A sort of fiber op tic sensor based on strength modulation is researched to monitor
the p rocess of composite during the curing p rocess. The experimentsw ere carried out in the laboratory and p roduction field. It can monitor the curing p rocess, including the low est point of the resin matrix, the end point of curing p rocess of composite material sensitively and p recisely. The research results show that the technology can be app lied to intelligentlymonitoring and controlling themolding p rocess of compositematerials. The successful app lication of the op tic fibermonitoring system in the real p ro2 duction field show s that th is technology has reached p racticality ability.
Key words: compositematerials; cure; strength modulated fiber op tic sensor
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