在土木工程领域中, 智能结构系统越来越受到人们的重视, 而在智能结构系统中机敏材料是不可缺的元素, 它是构成智能结构中的传感器和驱动器的关键材料。针对目前土木工程领域智能结构中存在的结构材料与机敏材料相容性差问题, 采用水泥基材料作为压电机敏复合材料的基体, 通过调节水泥基材料组分和比例, 克服水泥基材料与压电陶瓷在密度上的悬殊差异为材料准备带来的困难, 制备出222 型水泥基压电机敏复合材料。同时,采用集成了微型计算机、M TS 自动伺服试验机、示波器、信号发生器、线性放大器和HP2IB 界面的测试系统测量222 型水泥基压电复合材料的弹性性能、传感性能和驱动性能。实验结果表明, 在实验范围里, 该材料具有线弹性性能; 传感性能和驱动性能具有明显的频率依赖性; 在超低频范围内, 222 型水泥基压电复合材料的压电电压系数的模值随频率线性增大, 相角随频率增大开始时增大较快, 随后趋于一常数; 222 型水泥基压电复合材料的压电性能与聚合物基压电复合材料相似。
关键词: 机敏材料; 压电性; 水泥基复合材料; 土木工程结构; 智能结构
Abstract: Intelligent structures are attracting more attention of scientists and engineers in the field of civil engi2 neering. In an intelligent structure, smart materials p lay animportant role, from w h ich sensors and actuators aremade. In order to solve them ismatch p roblem betw een smartmaterials and hostmaterials,w h ich is popular in the app lication of intelligent structures in the civil engineering field. Cement based materialsw ere chosen to be thematrix of p iezoelec2 tric smart materials. Th rough adjusting them ix p roportion and selecting the components of cement basedmatrix, p rob2 lem s of fabrication of 222 cement based p iezoelectric compositew ere overcome. U sing a testing system integrating com2
puter,M TS tester, oscilloscope, signal generator, linear amp lifier, HP2IB interface hardw are and softw are, the elastic, sensory and actuating p ropertiesw ere studied. The follow ing results can be obtained. The composite is linearly elastic. The sensory and actuating p roperties have obvious dependence on frequency. In the range of ultra low frequency, the
magnitude of p iezoelectric voltage factor of the composite increases linearly w ith frequency, the phase increases quick ly at first, but then app roaches to a constant, The p iezoelectric p roperties of the composite are sim ilar to those of polymerö ceram ic p iezoelectric composites.
Key words: smart materials; p iezoelectricity; cement based composites; civil engineering structures; intelligent structures
关键词: 机敏材料; 压电性; 水泥基复合材料; 土木工程结构; 智能结构
Abstract: Intelligent structures are attracting more attention of scientists and engineers in the field of civil engi2 neering. In an intelligent structure, smart materials p lay animportant role, from w h ich sensors and actuators aremade. In order to solve them ismatch p roblem betw een smartmaterials and hostmaterials,w h ich is popular in the app lication of intelligent structures in the civil engineering field. Cement based materialsw ere chosen to be thematrix of p iezoelec2 tric smart materials. Th rough adjusting them ix p roportion and selecting the components of cement basedmatrix, p rob2 lem s of fabrication of 222 cement based p iezoelectric compositew ere overcome. U sing a testing system integrating com2
puter,M TS tester, oscilloscope, signal generator, linear amp lifier, HP2IB interface hardw are and softw are, the elastic, sensory and actuating p ropertiesw ere studied. The follow ing results can be obtained. The composite is linearly elastic. The sensory and actuating p roperties have obvious dependence on frequency. In the range of ultra low frequency, the
magnitude of p iezoelectric voltage factor of the composite increases linearly w ith frequency, the phase increases quick ly at first, but then app roaches to a constant, The p iezoelectric p roperties of the composite are sim ilar to those of polymerö ceram ic p iezoelectric composites.
Key words: smart materials; p iezoelectricity; cement based composites; civil engineering structures; intelligent structures
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