Abstract: Edge detection is one of the fundamental steps on the image processing. Due to the affection of the noise and unbalanced light source, no method can detect the edges of all modals. Through analyzing several kinds of edge detection methods, it is low in
detection precision, and it is relatively bad to resist noise performance. So this article
propose an edge detection algorithm in image based on the genetic algorithm and gradient
operators. This algorithm obviously improves the detection precision and the ability to
resist noise. further more analyzing its suitable environment through the experiment.
Key words: Image segmentation; Edge detection; Genetic algorithm
Abstract: Edge detection is one of the fundamental steps on the image processing. Due to the affection of the noise and unbalanced light source, no method can detect the edges of all modals. Through analyzing several kinds of edge detection methods, it is low in
detection precision, and it is relatively bad to resist noise performance. So this article
propose an edge detection algorithm in image based on the genetic algorithm and gradient
operators. This algorithm obviously improves the detection precision and the ability to
resist noise. further more analyzing its suitable environment through the experiment.
Key words: Image segmentation; Edge detection; Genetic algorithm
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