由于航天工程的需要,为了对航天用红外探测器进行环境应力筛选并研究器件在高低温循环过程中的失效机理,本文提出了一种基于单片机控制的温度循环试验自动控制系统。单片机根据输入的温度传感器信号控制电机运行,实现所考核器件在高低温环境之间的循环运动。器件的监测系统由计算机和数据采集卡组成,通过LabVIEW 编程实现。设备在实际应用中运行稳定,能够满足工程要求。
关键 词:单片机,温度循环,步进电机,环境应力筛选
Abstract: In order to accomplish the environment stress screen of space borne infrared detectors and study the failure mechanism during the course of thermal cycle, the thermal cycle system, based on singlechip is introduced in this paper. Based on the temperature signal, the step motor is controlled by singlechip and components would move circularly between high and low temperature environments. Testing and watching the components is accomplished by computer and DAQ card, programmed by LabVIEW. The equipment meets the requirement of project and runs stably in the experiment.
Key words: singlechip,thermal cycle,step motor,environment stress screen
关键 词:单片机,温度循环,步进电机,环境应力筛选
Abstract: In order to accomplish the environment stress screen of space borne infrared detectors and study the failure mechanism during the course of thermal cycle, the thermal cycle system, based on singlechip is introduced in this paper. Based on the temperature signal, the step motor is controlled by singlechip and components would move circularly between high and low temperature environments. Testing and watching the components is accomplished by computer and DAQ card, programmed by LabVIEW. The equipment meets the requirement of project and runs stably in the experiment.
Key words: singlechip,thermal cycle,step motor,environment stress screen
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