本文介绍了一种利用GPS 威廉希尔官方网站
研制的公路测速系统速度标准装置,通过GPS 接收处
Research on standard equipment of speed based on GPS technology ZHAO Jun,LIU Mei Sheng, YANG Chun-Sheng,JIANG Dong, (National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology,ChengDu 610021) Abstract:A standard equipment of highway speed measurement system using GPS technology introduced in this paper. Through the GPS receiver module, using Doppler frequency shift transform the rate measurement method, Digital pulse-frequency signals proportion to the number of vehicle speed can be output directly. By filtering, amplifing and adjusting,then into the microcontroller processing, to achieve the vehicle speed and mileage measurement. The standard equipment applied to test and calibration of all kinds of automatic devices with overspeed and camera monitoring functions.
Key words:GPS;single chip microcomputer;vehicle overspeed auto-monitoring system;
speed measurement
Research on standard equipment of speed based on GPS technology ZHAO Jun,LIU Mei Sheng, YANG Chun-Sheng,JIANG Dong, (National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology,ChengDu 610021) Abstract:A standard equipment of highway speed measurement system using GPS technology introduced in this paper. Through the GPS receiver module, using Doppler frequency shift transform the rate measurement method, Digital pulse-frequency signals proportion to the number of vehicle speed can be output directly. By filtering, amplifing and adjusting,then into the microcontroller processing, to achieve the vehicle speed and mileage measurement. The standard equipment applied to test and calibration of all kinds of automatic devices with overspeed and camera monitoring functions.
Key words:GPS;single chip microcomputer;vehicle overspeed auto-monitoring system;
speed measurement
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