The Application of Process faced Compiler and Interpreter in Industry Control Configuration Software ZHAO Li-wei, ZHANG Chun ,Shi Yin (College of Computer Science & Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China) Abstract: The paper shows the advantages and deficiencies of open industry control configuration software. A system of Child-C language compiler and interpreter were introduced. By the help of this system, the ability of process controlling and emergency handling can be elevated greatly. It also uses the concept of event. The paper mainly introduces a solution which shows how to carrying out binary executable code in interpreter language system.
Key words: Compile; Interpret; Event; COM; Automatic; Industry Control; Configuration
The Application of Process faced Compiler and Interpreter in Industry Control Configuration Software ZHAO Li-wei, ZHANG Chun ,Shi Yin (College of Computer Science & Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China) Abstract: The paper shows the advantages and deficiencies of open industry control configuration software. A system of Child-C language compiler and interpreter were introduced. By the help of this system, the ability of process controlling and emergency handling can be elevated greatly. It also uses the concept of event. The paper mainly introduces a solution which shows how to carrying out binary executable code in interpreter language system.
Key words: Compile; Interpret; Event; COM; Automatic; Industry Control; Configuration
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