器为车辆性能试验研究提供固定、标准的光环境,免于室外环境时空变化的影响。针对具有平行度的太阳模拟器结构复杂、成本高的问题,基于光的透射原理制作出一套简易有效的太阳平行光模拟器。 经过比较,选择氙灯作为光源,用凸透镜制作平行光源方案。简易太阳模拟器包括以下部分:光源及电路配件(变压器、触发器、高压线、灯支架);光学配件(透镜及灯杯);同步“U”形支撑架(同时联接传感器和太阳模拟器)。经SPSS 分析,实验结果表明不同高度、不同位置下,挡片的投影面积大小没有明显差异,证明系统在透镜面积大小输出范围里面,平行性能满足要求。另外,有挡片与无挡片之间的能量存在明显差异,证明直射能量远远大于试验环境中散射的能量。
关键词: 太阳模拟器 氙灯 凸透镜 直射
Abstract: Solar simulator provides plant experiment and research fixed and standard light environment avoiding space and climate change effect. For solving problems of complication and high cost by solar simulator with certain parallel degree, a simple but effective solar simulator was built with xenon lamp and convex selected. Lamp with circuit fittings such as transformer, trigger, high voltage line and frame and optical fittings such as convex and lamp cup are included in the simulator. After analysis by SPSS, there is no apparent difference among shadow areas in different heights and positions, which shows that the parallel degree is satisfied within convex area. Additionally, there is here is extreme difference between no leaf and having leaf conditions, which shows that direct radiation is so far bigger than diffuse radiation.
Key words:Solar simulator, xenon lamp, convex, direct radiation
关键词: 太阳模拟器 氙灯 凸透镜 直射
Abstract: Solar simulator provides plant experiment and research fixed and standard light environment avoiding space and climate change effect. For solving problems of complication and high cost by solar simulator with certain parallel degree, a simple but effective solar simulator was built with xenon lamp and convex selected. Lamp with circuit fittings such as transformer, trigger, high voltage line and frame and optical fittings such as convex and lamp cup are included in the simulator. After analysis by SPSS, there is no apparent difference among shadow areas in different heights and positions, which shows that the parallel degree is satisfied within convex area. Additionally, there is here is extreme difference between no leaf and having leaf conditions, which shows that direct radiation is so far bigger than diffuse radiation.
Key words:Solar simulator, xenon lamp, convex, direct radiation
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