有交流电源线作为通讯线路,不用铺线,具有投资少、与电网建设同步等优势。主机通过电力线载波通讯将对路灯的管理命令发送到终端,终端执行相应的开关操作,然后将相应的状态信息返回到主机。电力载波部分基于PL3105 核心芯片实现。
关键字:电力线; 工业照明; 管理系统
Management System for the Industrial Illumination based on the Power Line Communication
HU Hongbo (Zunyi Normal College, Guizhou Zunyi 563002) Abstract: This paper describes a monitoring system of the lighting usage of power plant. This system uses the power line as the communication carrier, which has the advantages such as no need for communication wiring, low cost and easy construction (can be built when the power grid is constructed), etc.. The host sends command to the terminal through powerline carrier to control the lighting at the field, and the terminal commits corresponding operation, returns corresponding state information to the host. The power line communication is implemented on the PL3105 chip.
Keywords: Power Line; Industrial Illumination; Management System
有交流电源线作为通讯线路,不用铺线,具有投资少、与电网建设同步等优势。主机通过电力线载波通讯将对路灯的管理命令发送到终端,终端执行相应的开关操作,然后将相应的状态信息返回到主机。电力载波部分基于PL3105 核心芯片实现。
关键字:电力线; 工业照明; 管理系统
Management System for the Industrial Illumination based on the Power Line Communication
HU Hongbo (Zunyi Normal College, Guizhou Zunyi 563002) Abstract: This paper describes a monitoring system of the lighting usage of power plant. This system uses the power line as the communication carrier, which has the advantages such as no need for communication wiring, low cost and easy construction (can be built when the power grid is constructed), etc.. The host sends command to the terminal through powerline carrier to control the lighting at the field, and the terminal commits corresponding operation, returns corresponding state information to the host. The power line communication is implemented on the PL3105 chip.
Keywords: Power Line; Industrial Illumination; Management System
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