关键词:涡喷发动机 主燃油系统 转速控制系统 数学模型 仿真
The research of rotational speed control system of X aeroengine based on simulink
DUAN Chong, XIE Shou-sheng, CHEN Dun-jun (Dept of Mech Engin , The Engineering Institute , Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038,China) Abstract: A turbojet engine and its main fuel control system with hydro-mechanical regulator are studied. The rotational speed control system is modeled according to the analysis of the engine control program. According to these mathematical models, the rotational speed control system is simulated with the SIMULINK in toolbox of MATLAB. The result indicates that the rotational speed control system meets practical demand. This work has important value for further research and improvement in the main fuel control system.
Key words: turbojet engine; main fuel control system; rotational speed control system; mathematical model; simulation
关键词:涡喷发动机 主燃油系统 转速控制系统 数学模型 仿真
The research of rotational speed control system of X aeroengine based on simulink
DUAN Chong, XIE Shou-sheng, CHEN Dun-jun (Dept of Mech Engin , The Engineering Institute , Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038,China) Abstract: A turbojet engine and its main fuel control system with hydro-mechanical regulator are studied. The rotational speed control system is modeled according to the analysis of the engine control program. According to these mathematical models, the rotational speed control system is simulated with the SIMULINK in toolbox of MATLAB. The result indicates that the rotational speed control system meets practical demand. This work has important value for further research and improvement in the main fuel control system.
Key words: turbojet engine; main fuel control system; rotational speed control system; mathematical model; simulation
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