论文以光子嫩肤机的控制系统为背景,选择RTX51 作为实时操作系统,提出了嵌入式系统的控制方案,对整个控制系统的结构和工作流程的设计思想进行了阐述,对整个系统的硬件和软件设计和实现进行了说明。上述系统已投入实际运行,运行结果表明,系统运行有较好的实时性、稳定性和可靠性,操作方便,整体性能指标优于传统前后台结构的实现方案。
关键字: 光子嫩肤实时操作系统 嵌入式控制
Abstract: The paper takes control system of the photon machine as the background, chooses RTX51 as the real-time operating system, proposes the control scheme of the embedded system, explains the structure of the whole control system and design philosophy of the workflow, and explains the design and realization of whole hardware and software. This system has already been put into operation, and the result indicated that the system
operates better real-time character, stability and reliability, easy to operate, the whole performance index is superior to the traditional structure -oriented realization scheme.
Key Words: photo rejuvenation, real-time operating system, embedded Control
关键字: 光子嫩肤实时操作系统 嵌入式控制
Abstract: The paper takes control system of the photon machine as the background, chooses RTX51 as the real-time operating system, proposes the control scheme of the embedded system, explains the structure of the whole control system and design philosophy of the workflow, and explains the design and realization of whole hardware and software. This system has already been put into operation, and the result indicated that the system
operates better real-time character, stability and reliability, easy to operate, the whole performance index is superior to the traditional structure -oriented realization scheme.
Key Words: photo rejuvenation, real-time operating system, embedded Control
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