低速位置伺服系统中的非线性摩擦力、参数摄动以及外部扰动等因素都会降低系统的精度. 本文对无刷直流电机低速位置伺服控制方法进行了研究. 简要介绍了自抗扰控制器,利用Stribeck摩擦模型和二阶自抗扰控制器构建位置伺服系统并确定控制器参数,最后与PD控制和滑模控制进行比较仿真实验. 实验结果表明,基于自抗扰控制的低速位置伺服系统具有较好的动态和稳态性能,对系统内部参数摄动和外部扰动以及非线性摩擦都具有很强的鲁棒性.
关键词: 自抗扰控制;位置伺服;Stribeck摩擦模型
Control and simulation of position servo system?with low speed based on ADRC
The phenomenon of nonlinear friction, disturbance and perturbation of the system, will have bad influence on precision.The control method forthe positionservo system with low speed was studied. First the ADRC (active disturbance rejection control) was introduced. The control system was developed based on the Stribeckfriction model and ADRC, and the means for adjusting the parameters of the controller were given in succession. Some simulation results were given compared with the PDcontrol and Sliding model control. These results show that the controller ensures good dynamic and static characteristics, and very good robustness under inner perturbation and external disturbance with nonlinear friction considered
关键词: 自抗扰控制;位置伺服;Stribeck摩擦模型
Control and simulation of position servo system?with low speed based on ADRC
The phenomenon of nonlinear friction, disturbance and perturbation of the system, will have bad influence on precision.The control method forthe positionservo system with low speed was studied. First the ADRC (active disturbance rejection control) was introduced. The control system was developed based on the Stribeckfriction model and ADRC, and the means for adjusting the parameters of the controller were given in succession. Some simulation results were given compared with the PDcontrol and Sliding model control. These results show that the controller ensures good dynamic and static characteristics, and very good robustness under inner perturbation and external disturbance with nonlinear friction considered
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