Abstract:This paper describes the control scheme of computer control system for the steam-injected boiler and the detail design for the hardware and the software. It realizes the automatic control tasks of the boiler’s supplying water system,the regulating system for the negative pressure, the combustion system. And the method of automatic searching for the optimal thermal efficiency is used to regulate the ratio of air to coal and it achieves the aim of efficient combustion.The system’s running shows: this automatic control system improves the boiler’s stability, efficiency greatly, reduces the operator’s labour intensity and the satisfied result is obtained.
Key words:steam-injected boiler; thermal efficiency; combustion system
Abstract:This paper describes the control scheme of computer control system for the steam-injected boiler and the detail design for the hardware and the software. It realizes the automatic control tasks of the boiler’s supplying water system,the regulating system for the negative pressure, the combustion system. And the method of automatic searching for the optimal thermal efficiency is used to regulate the ratio of air to coal and it achieves the aim of efficient combustion.The system’s running shows: this automatic control system improves the boiler’s stability, efficiency greatly, reduces the operator’s labour intensity and the satisfied result is obtained.
Key words:steam-injected boiler; thermal efficiency; combustion system
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