To improve the efficiency of process
evaluation and characterization of
semiconductor devices, automation
of semiconductor test is required.
However, analysis of the measured
data and extraction of important
parameters are difficult to automate.
This application note shows you how
to automate extraction of parameters
using the unique auto analysis func-
tion of the Agilent 4155C/4156C semi-
conductor parameter analyzers, using
the measurement of threshold voltage
as an example.
To improve the efficiency of process
evaluation and characterization of
semiconductor devices, automation
of semiconductor test is required.
However, analysis of the measured
data and extraction of important
parameters are difficult to automate.
This application note shows you how
to automate extraction of parameters
using the unique auto analysis func-
tion of the Agilent 4155C/4156C semi-
conductor parameter analyzers, using
the measurement of threshold voltage
as an example.
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