本文设计与实现了运用背景差法的一个基于无线网络的交互的智能监控系统,该系统的基本功能有1)运用背景差的算法检测并跟踪行人,并以文件形式保存下图像,发送该图像到网络服务器上,供用户以Web 形式浏览;2)将图像发送到手机终端;3)实现手机与系统交互。实验证明,该系统在复杂的场景中具有良好的性能,且实时性满足要求。
【Abstract】 In this paper we design a novel background subtraction techniques to deal with the foreground segmentation, and implement the Wireless Network based intelligent monitor system, the basic functions of which include 3 aspects 1)getting human objects by applying background subtraction techniques, save the image and upload to FTP server; 2) send the image to cell phone; 3)The system can communicate with cell phone by CDMA
model. The experiment results demonstrated that the system can adapt to environment changes in real-time.
【Key words】Background subtraction techniques; Intelligent surveillances; human detection; human track.
【Abstract】 In this paper we design a novel background subtraction techniques to deal with the foreground segmentation, and implement the Wireless Network based intelligent monitor system, the basic functions of which include 3 aspects 1)getting human objects by applying background subtraction techniques, save the image and upload to FTP server; 2) send the image to cell phone; 3)The system can communicate with cell phone by CDMA
model. The experiment results demonstrated that the system can adapt to environment changes in real-time.
【Key words】Background subtraction techniques; Intelligent surveillances; human detection; human track.
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