Abstract: A new hybrid method for license plate position is proposed based on rough position and precision position. Firstly, a rough position algorithm based on rough edge and plate syntax is adopted to decide the candidate region and discard pseudo-region, which can find the plate image from the original vehicle image rapidly and decide its upper and lower borders. Secondly, level accurate position and incline correction are done on the basis of rotating difference projection. Because of their concurrence, level segmentation accuracy is improved and positioning time is reduced. The experimental research shows that the hybrid position method can be used to solve some problems such as lower accuracy in complicated scenes in terms of its rapid speed, high accuracy, good self- adaptivity, and anti-disturbance.
Keywords: rough location;pseudo-region; plate syntax; plate position;
Abstract: A new hybrid method for license plate position is proposed based on rough position and precision position. Firstly, a rough position algorithm based on rough edge and plate syntax is adopted to decide the candidate region and discard pseudo-region, which can find the plate image from the original vehicle image rapidly and decide its upper and lower borders. Secondly, level accurate position and incline correction are done on the basis of rotating difference projection. Because of their concurrence, level segmentation accuracy is improved and positioning time is reduced. The experimental research shows that the hybrid position method can be used to solve some problems such as lower accuracy in complicated scenes in terms of its rapid speed, high accuracy, good self- adaptivity, and anti-disturbance.
Keywords: rough location;pseudo-region; plate syntax; plate position;
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