稍后,当使用卷积神经网络时,该威廉希尔官方网站 将变得更加方便,因为输入维度(即图像的分辨率)将影响每个后续层的维度。因此,在编写代码时无需知道维度是多少就可以设置参数的能力可以极大地简化指定和随后修改模型的任务。接下来,我们将更深入地研究初始化机制。
import tensorflow as tf
首先,让我们实例化一个 MLP。
net = nn.Sequential()
net.add(nn.Dense(256, activation='relu'))
net = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation=tf.nn.relu),
Consequently the framework has not yet initialized any parameters. We confirm by attempting to access the parameters below.
<bound method Block.collect_params of Sequential(
(0): Dense(-1 -> 256, Activation(relu))
(1): Dense(-1 -> 10, linear)
sequential0_ (
Parameter dense0_weight (shape=(256, -1), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense0_bias (shape=(256,), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense1_weight (shape=(10, -1), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense1_bias (shape=(10,), dtype=float32)
Note that while the parameter objects exist, the input dimension to each layer is listed as -1. MXNet uses the special value -1 to indicate that the parameter dimension remains unknown. At this point, attempts to access net[0].weight.data()
would trigger a runtime error stating that the network must be initialized before the parameters can be accessed. Now let’s see what happens when we attempt to initialize parameters via the initialize
sequential0_ (
Parameter dense0_weight (shape=(256, -1), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense0_bias (shape=(256,), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense1_weight (shape=(10, -1), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense1_bias (shape=(10,), dtype=float32)
As we can see, nothing has changed. When input dimensions are unknown, calls to initialize do not truly initialize the parameters. Instead, this call registers to MXNet that we wish (and optionally, according to which distribution) to initialize the parameters.
As mentioned in Section 6.2.1, parameters and the network definition are decoupled in Jax and Flax, and the user handles both manually. Flax models are stateless hence there is no parameters
Consequently the framework has not yet initialized any parameters. We confirm by attempting to access the parameters below.
[[], []]
Note that each layer objects exist but the weights are empty. Using net.get_weights()
would throw an error since the weights have not been initialized yet.
sequential0_ (
Parameter dense0_weight (shape=(256, 20), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense0_bias (shape=(256,), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense1_weight (shape=(10, 256), dtype=float32)
Parameter dense1_bias (shape=(10,), dtype=float32)
params = net.init(d2l.get_key(), jnp.zeros((2, 20)))
jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.shape, params).tree_flatten()
(({'params': {'layers_0': {'bias': (256,), 'kernel': (20, 256)},
'layers_2': {'bias': (10,), 'kernel': (256, 10)}}},),
一旦我们知道输入维度 20,框架就可以通过插入值 20 来识别第一层权重矩阵的形状。识别出第一层的形状后,框架进入第二层,依此类推计算图,直到所有形状都已知。请注意,在这种情况下,只有第一层需要延迟初始化,但框架会按顺序进行初始化。一旦知道所有参数形状,框架就可以最终初始化参数。
Parameter initialization in Flax is always done manually and handled by the user. The following method takes a dummy input and a key dictionary as argument. This key dictionary has the rngs for initializing the model parameters and dropout rng for generating the dropout mask for the models with dropout layers. More about dropout will be covered later in Section 5.6. Ultimately the method initializes the model returning the parameters. We have been using it under the hood in the previous sections as well.
6.4.1. 概括
6.4.2. 练习