Windows Implementation Libraries (WIL) 是一个只包含头文件的 C++ 库,可以让 Windows 开发者通过易读的类型安全的 C++ 接口来实现通用的 Windows 编码模式。
(documentation): Smart pointers and auto-releasing resource wrappers to let you manage Windows API HANDLEs, HWNDs, and other resources and resource handles with RAII semantics. -
: Wrappers for API functions that save you the work of manually specifying buffer sizes, calling a function twice to get the needed buffer size and then allocate and pass the right-size buffer, casting or converting between types, and so on. -
: Registry watchers that can call a lambda function or callback you provide whenever a certain tree within the Windows registry changes. -
(documentation): Preprocessor macros to help you check for errors from Windows API functions, in many of the myriad ways those errors are reported, and surface them as error codes or C++ exceptions in your code.
WIL can be used by C++ code that uses C++ exceptions as well as code that uses returned error codes to report errors. All of WIL can be used from user-space Windows code, and some (such as the RAII resource wrappers) can even be used in kernel mode.
Consuming WIL via NuGet
You can consume WIL via a NuGet package. To do so, follow the instructions on nuget.org. This package includes the header files under the include directory as well as a .targets file
To get started testing WIL, first make sure that you have a recent version of Visual Studio installed. If you are doing any non-trivial work, also be sure to have a recent version of Clang installed. Once everything is installed, open a VS native command window (e.g. "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019"). From here, you can either invoke CMake directly:
C:\wil> mkdir build C:\wil> cd build C:\wil\build> cmake -G Ninja ..
Or through one of the scripts in the scripts directory:
C:\wil> scripts\init.cmd -c clang -g ninja -b debug
If you initialized using Ninja as the generator, you can build the tests like so:
C:\wil\build\clang64debug> ninja
Or, if you want to only build a single test (e.g. for improved compile times):
C:\wil\build\clang64debug> ninja witest.noexcept
If you initialized using MSBuild as the generator, there will be a .sln
file in the root of the build directory. You can either open the solution in Visual Studio or invoke MSBuild directly to build.
The output is a number of test executables. If you used the initialization script(s) mentioned above, or if you followed the same directory naming convention of those scripts, you can use the runtests.cmd script, which will execute any test executables that have been built, erroring out - and preserving the exit code - if any test fails. Note that MSBuild will modify the output directories, so this script is only compatible with using Ninja as the generator. If you are at the tail end of of a change, you can execute the following to get a wide range of coverage:
C:\wil> scripts\init_all.cmd C:\wil> scripts\build_all.cmd C:\wil> scripts\runtests.cmd
Note that this will only test for the architecture that corresponds to the command window you opened. You will want to repeat this process for the other architecture (e.g. by using the "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019")
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