Agilent VEE is a powerful graphical language environment that provides a quick and easy path to
measurement and analysis. With Agilent VEE you can:
• Develop test and measurement programs faster by focusing less on programming or connectivity,
and more on your measurement tasks: connecting, measuring, analyzing and reporting
• Make fast, easy connections to Agilent and non-Agilent instruments in just one or two steps
• Learn to use it easily through high-level graphical objects, avoiding the need to learn or memorize
the details of a low-level programming language
• Keep programming simple with fewer lines of code and a less-complex development screen
measurement and analysis. With Agilent VEE you can:
• Develop test and measurement programs faster by focusing less on programming or connectivity,
and more on your measurement tasks: connecting, measuring, analyzing and reporting
• Make fast, easy connections to Agilent and non-Agilent instruments in just one or two steps
• Learn to use it easily through high-level graphical objects, avoiding the need to learn or memorize
the details of a low-level programming language
• Keep programming simple with fewer lines of code and a less-complex development screen
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