This document is primarily concerned with the MPC750, however, unless otherwise noted,all information here applies also to the MPC740. The MPC750 and MPC740 are
implementations of the PowerPCª family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC)
microprocessors. This document describes pertinent physical characteristics of the
MPC750. For functional characteristics of the processor, refer to the
MPC750 RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual.
The MPC750 (and MPC740) is implemented in several semiconductor fabrication
processes. Different processes may require different supply voltages and may have other electrical differences but will have the same functionality. As a designator to distinguish between MPC750 implementations in various processes, a sufÞx is added to the MPC750 part number as shown below:
implementations of the PowerPCª family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC)
microprocessors. This document describes pertinent physical characteristics of the
MPC750. For functional characteristics of the processor, refer to the
MPC750 RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual.
The MPC750 (and MPC740) is implemented in several semiconductor fabrication
processes. Different processes may require different supply voltages and may have other electrical differences but will have the same functionality. As a designator to distinguish between MPC750 implementations in various processes, a sufÞx is added to the MPC750 part number as shown below:
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