In system field upgrades to an XC9500 CPLD are traditionally
done by field engineers using a portable PC. The PC
will have either the EZTag or JTAG Programmer Software,
an XChecker or JTAG Parallel Cable with flying wires to
connect to the target application, and an updated JEDEC
programming file. Once all the cables, software, and files
are in place, the engineer begins the field upgrade. This
application note goes one step further in not requiring the
field engineer to be present where the upgrade occurs. It
will require advanced planning and building circuitry into
the embedded system in advance, but that should be
done by field engineers using a portable PC. The PC
will have either the EZTag or JTAG Programmer Software,
an XChecker or JTAG Parallel Cable with flying wires to
connect to the target application, and an updated JEDEC
programming file. Once all the cables, software, and files
are in place, the engineer begins the field upgrade. This
application note goes one step further in not requiring the
field engineer to be present where the upgrade occurs. It
will require advanced planning and building circuitry into
the embedded system in advance, but that should be
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