XC9500 devices receive programming vectors and instructions
via the JTAG Test Access Port. During programming,
the address and data information is shifted in first and then
a programming time is initiated to imprint the programming
data into the selected flash cells. This is repeated for all
flash memory addresses within the device.
Therefore, the time required to program an XC9500 device
includes two components: the information download time
and the flash memory programming time. In the typical
application, where the JTAG clock operates from 1MHz to
10 MHz, the flash memory programming time exceeds 90%
of the total programming time.
via the JTAG Test Access Port. During programming,
the address and data information is shifted in first and then
a programming time is initiated to imprint the programming
data into the selected flash cells. This is repeated for all
flash memory addresses within the device.
Therefore, the time required to program an XC9500 device
includes two components: the information download time
and the flash memory programming time. In the typical
application, where the JTAG clock operates from 1MHz to
10 MHz, the flash memory programming time exceeds 90%
of the total programming time.
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