CC1110迷你开发工具包(见图1)是专为无线报警和安全系统的快速原型、工业监控应用中,无线传感器网络。该套件包括两smartrfcc1110-868靶板;一个转换板和电缆CC调试器;的评估版本ew8051 IAR嵌入式工作台;和一个PCB天线预先ETSI和FCC标准。用户手册甚至建议您可以通过切换电阻器的位置来添加自己的外部天线。使用附带的源代码和格伯的文件,很容易将这些板转化为现实世界的应用,其中德克萨斯仪器显然已经认真考虑。
The kit comes with two boards pre-programmed with a test link that operates at 868.3 MHz using GFSK modulation at a bit rate of 2.4 kbps. The link test establishes point-to-point communication between the master and slave mode using TI‘s SimpliciTI protocol.
To run the link test, after powering up each board, press the master button on one board and the slave button on the other. Each board contains red and green LEDs, with the blinking pattern indicating their status. Within a few minutes of opening the box, the link test was up and running. Once the link is established, the master sends packets to the slave and waits 250 ms for acknowledgment. The slave remains in receive mode except to transmit acknowledgement packets back to the master. The whole cycle with the preprogrammed link test takes about 1.3 seconds, though the data rate, timing, and power can all be changed by recompiling the source code and reflashing the chip. TI provides the full source code for this application, which developers can easily modify using the IAR Embedded Workbench and the CC debugger, both of which are included with the kit. Reflashing requires downloading the SmartRF Flash Programmer and testing requires the SmartRF Studio. Both are free.
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