Thermal characteristics of integrated circuit
packages have been and increasingly will be
a major consideration to both producers and
users of electronics products. This is
because an increase in junction temperature
(TJ) can adversely effect the long term
operating life of an IC. The advantages
realized by miniaturization often have
trade–offs in terms of increased junction
temperatures. Some of the variables affecting
TJ are controlled by the IC manufacturer and
others are controlled by the system designer.
Depending on the environment in which the
IC is placed, the user could control well over
75% of the current that flows through the device.
packages have been and increasingly will be
a major consideration to both producers and
users of electronics products. This is
because an increase in junction temperature
(TJ) can adversely effect the long term
operating life of an IC. The advantages
realized by miniaturization often have
trade–offs in terms of increased junction
temperatures. Some of the variables affecting
TJ are controlled by the IC manufacturer and
others are controlled by the system designer.
Depending on the environment in which the
IC is placed, the user could control well over
75% of the current that flows through the device.
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