Maxim’s PowerMind family of products
Convert, control, and monitor
The PowerMind family of products provides a complete power-management solution for high-performance designs that require high density and accurate monitoring/control through digital communication. This step-down regulator family integrates a MOSFET and covers a broad range of output currents from 1A to 200A and input voltages from 2.5V to 28V, making them suitable for a wide variety of system configurations. Digital control and monitoring allow microsecond-resolution programmability of all timing events such as sequencing and tracking. Extremely flexible monitoring provides intelligent setting of warning and fault thresholds. This flexibility also allows independent setting of the fault handling for each point-of-load (POL). Fine control of the output voltage assures meeting the tight tolerances of high-end processors over temperature and the life of the product. System updates can be done remotely due to digital programmability and monitoring, thereby avoiding expensive field services. Events can also be logged so that the root causes of failures can be studied for future prevention.
Convert, control, and monitor
The PowerMind family of products provides a complete power-management solution for high-performance designs that require high density and accurate monitoring/control through digital communication. This step-down regulator family integrates a MOSFET and covers a broad range of output currents from 1A to 200A and input voltages from 2.5V to 28V, making them suitable for a wide variety of system configurations. Digital control and monitoring allow microsecond-resolution programmability of all timing events such as sequencing and tracking. Extremely flexible monitoring provides intelligent setting of warning and fault thresholds. This flexibility also allows independent setting of the fault handling for each point-of-load (POL). Fine control of the output voltage assures meeting the tight tolerances of high-end processors over temperature and the life of the product. System updates can be done remotely due to digital programmability and monitoring, thereby avoiding expensive field services. Events can also be logged so that the root causes of failures can be studied for future prevention.
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