Until now, the right tool just didn’t exist for cost effectively testing short fibers. Handheld OTDRs and Fault Locators lacked the resolution and in such
short spans while mini-OTDRs were too large, too expensive and too complicated.
The new MT9090A from Anritsu finally addresses this need by providing all of the features and performance required for installation and
maintenance of short fibers in a compact, modular test set. The MT9090A represents an unmatched level of value and ease of use, while not
compromising performance. Data sampling of five centimeters and deadzones of less than one meter, ensure accurate and complete fiber
evaluation while a simple testing sequence requires only one key press to initiate – allowing anyone to make error-free measurements.
The MT9090A represents a new era in drop cable and premise testing. Its ease of use, low price, high-resolution and size make this the
perfect product for “last mile” and intra-building testing.
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