TOOLSTICK DEBUG ADAPTER USER’S GUIDE:To enable development, the ToolStick Base Adapter and daughter cards are distributed without any protective
plastics. To prevent damage to the devices and/or the host PC, please take into consideration the following
recommendations when using the ToolStick:
Never connect or disconnect a daughter card to or from the ToolStick Base Adapter while the Base Adapter is
connected to a PC.
Always connect and disconnect the ToolStick from the PC by holding the large plastic connector.
plastics. To prevent damage to the devices and/or the host PC, please take into consideration the following
recommendations when using the ToolStick:
Never connect or disconnect a daughter card to or from the ToolStick Base Adapter while the Base Adapter is
connected to a PC.
Always connect and disconnect the ToolStick from the PC by holding the large plastic connector.
更多 >
- RA8D1_User’s Manual
- QB-R5F10FGE-EA-01S Exchange Adapter 用户手册
- RA6M4 组 User’s 手册: 硬件
- QB-R5F10FGE-EA-01S Exchange Adapter 用户手册
- RA6M4 组 User’s 手册: 硬件
- 基于TOOLSTICK362DC微控制器的参考设计
- 用户指南:AS5247U_UG000438_1-00.pdf
- 用户指南:AS6204_UG000440_1-01.pdf
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