The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics Eighth Edition Stan Gibilisco Editor-in-Chief
The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics—8th Edition has been revised, clarified, and updated,
reflecting technological advances of recent years. New definitions have been added in
the fields of wireless technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Every effort has been
made to be concise and accurate, without “talking down” to the reader.
Many definitions contain cross references (indicated in ALL CAPITALS); these provide
recommended additional information or allow comparison with related terms. Expressions of
special significance are printed in italics. Electronics abbreviations are included in the text;
the full terms are stated as definitions.
While an effort has been made to avoid superfluous mathematics, equations are sometimes
necessary to completely and effectively define a term. Mathematics beyond the highschool
level has not been used.
Appendix A contains the standard symbols used in electrical and electronic diagrams.
These symbols are used in illustrations throughout this dictionary. Appendix B contains the
following data tables:
1. Conversion between electrical systems
2. Greek alphabet
3. Mathematical functions and operations
4. Prefix multipliers
5. Resistor color code
Suggestions for future editions are welcome.
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