关键词: 图像监控;图像无线传输;运动图像检测
Abstract: This paper introduces the design and implementation of a portable wireless image
transmission device based on embedded system, which has the capability of image collection,
image processing and wireless transmission. An improved algorithm on moving image detection is also proposed and applied into the image processing of the device. Thus a station-based wireless image monitory system is constructed. The system can obtain the real-time image of the monitored scene. By image detection of the moving object, the wireless image transmission device can give off alarm signals when moving objects enter the scene. Then alarm signals and real-time image are transmitted through wireless receival station into the monitoring room for inspection. We have developed the sample system in the laboratory and obtained ideal effects under real circumstance.
Keywords: image monitor, image wireless transmission, moving image inspecting
关键词: 图像监控;图像无线传输;运动图像检测
Abstract: This paper introduces the design and implementation of a portable wireless image
transmission device based on embedded system, which has the capability of image collection,
image processing and wireless transmission. An improved algorithm on moving image detection is also proposed and applied into the image processing of the device. Thus a station-based wireless image monitory system is constructed. The system can obtain the real-time image of the monitored scene. By image detection of the moving object, the wireless image transmission device can give off alarm signals when moving objects enter the scene. Then alarm signals and real-time image are transmitted through wireless receival station into the monitoring room for inspection. We have developed the sample system in the laboratory and obtained ideal effects under real circumstance.
Keywords: image monitor, image wireless transmission, moving image inspecting
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