The DS1683 is an integrated elapsed-time recorder containinga factory-calibrated, low-temperature-coefficientRC time base that eliminates the need for an externalcrystal. Using EEPROM technology to maintain data inthe absence of power, the DS1683 requires no backuppower source. The DS1683 detects and records the numberof falling edge transitions on the EVENT pin as wellas the total cumulative time that the EVENT pin is heldhigh. The ALARM pin alerts the user when the total timeaccumulated equals or exceeds the user-programmedalarm value, or when the total number of events equalsor exceeds the user-programmed alarm value. The polarityof the open-drain ALARM pin can be programmedto either drive low or become high impedance upon analarm condition. The DS1683 is ideal for applications thatmonitor the total amount of time that a device has beenin operation and/or the number of uses since inceptionservice, repair, or last calibration.
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