The UCC3581 voltage mode pulse width modulator is designed to control low power isolated DC - DC converters in applications such as Subscriber Line Power (ISDN I.430). Primarily used for single switch forward and flyback converters, the UCC3581 features BiCMOS circuitry for low startup and operating current, while maintaining the ability to drive power MOSFETs at frequencies up to 100kHz. The UCC3581 oscillator allows the flexibility to program both the frequency and the maximum duty cycle with two resistors and a capacitor. A TTL level input is also provided to allow synchronization to an external frequency source.
The UCC3581 includes programmable soft start circuitry, overcurrent detection, a 7.5V linear preregulator to control chip VDD during startup, and an on-board 4.
- 微功率电压模式PWM UCC3581数据表
- BiCMOS功率因数预调节器UCC2817 UCC2818 UCC3817and UCC3818数据表
- UCC2305,UCC3305,pdf(HID Lamp C
- UCC2974,UCC3974,pdf(Dual Cold
- UCC2819,UCC3819,pdf(Programmab
- UCC2817A,UCC2818A,UCC3817A,UCC
- UCC28050,UCC28051,UCC38050,UCC
- UCC1806,UCC2806,UCC3806,pdf(Lo
- UCC2891,UCC2892,UCC2893,UCC289
- UCC28220,UCC28221,pdf(Dual Int
- UCC2810,UCC3810,pdf(Dual Chann
- UCC25705,UCC25706,UCC35705,UCC
- UCC15701,UCC15702,UCC25701,UCC
- UCC27221,UCC27222,pdf(High-Eff
- UCC28810,UCC28811,pdf(LED Ligh
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