The THS6182 is a current feedback differential line driver ideal for full rate ADSL systems. Its extremely low-power dissipation is ideal for ADSL systems that must achieve high densities in ADSL central office rack applications. The unique architecture of the THS6182 allows the quiescent current to be much lower than existing line drivers while still achieving high linearity without the need for excess open loop gain. Fixed multiple bias settings of the amplifiers allow for enhanced power savings for line lengths where the full performance of the amplifier is not required. To allow for even more flexibility and power savings, an IADJ pin is available to further lower the bias currents while maintaining stable operation with as little as 1.
- THS7318,pdf(3-Channel Low-Powe
- THS7303,pdf(3-Ch, Low-Power Vi
- THS4509-Q1,pdf(Wideband, Low N
- THS4504,THS4505,pdf(Wideband, Low-Distortion, Fully Differen
- THS4520,pdf(Wideband, Low Nois
- THS4521,THS4522,THS4524,pdf(Ve
- THS6184,pdf(Dual Port Low Powe
- THS6032,pdf(Low-Power ADSL Cen
- THS3122,THS3125,pdf(Low-Noise,
- THS3112,THS3115,pdf(Low-Noise,
- THS3091,THS3095,pdf(High Volta
- THS6072,pdf(Low-Power ADSL Dif
- THS4281,pdf(Very Low-Power, Hi
- THS4271,THS4275,pdf(Low Noise,
- THS4211,THS4215,pdf(Low-Distor
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