This 16-bit (dual-octal) noninverting bus transceiver is designed for 2.7-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
The SN74LVCR162245 is designed forasynchronous communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing requirements.
This device can be used as two 8-bit transceivers or one 16-bit transceiver. It allows data transmission from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus, depending upon the logic level at the direction-control (DIR) input. The output-enable (OE)\ input can be used to disable the device so that the buses are effectively isolated.
All outputs, which are designed to sink up to 12 mA, include 26- resistors to reduce overshoot and undershoot.
Active bus-hold circuitry is provided to hold unused or floating data inputs at a valid logic level.
- 带3态输出的16位总线收发器SN74LVCR162245数据表
- SN74ALVCHG162280,pdf(16-BIT TO
- SN74LVCZ16245A,pdf(16-Bit Bus
- SN74LVCR16245A,pdf(16-BIT BUS
- SN74LVCHR16245A,pdf(16-BIT BUS
- SN74LVCH16245A,pdf(16-BIT BUS
- SN74LVC16245A,pdf(16-Bit Bus T
- SN74ALVCHR16245,pdf(16-BIT BUS
- SN74ALVCHR162245,pdf(16-Bit Bu
- SN74ALVCH32973,pdf(16-BIT BUS
- SN74ALVCH16245,pdf(16-BIT BUS
- SN74LVCH16646A,pdf(16-Bit Bus
- SN74LVC16646A,pdf(16-BIT BUS T
- SN74ALVCH162244,pdf(16-BIT BUF
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