The 5532 is a dual high-performance low noise operational amplifier.
Compared to most of the standard operational amplifiers, such as
the 1458, it shows better noise performance, improved output drive
capability and considerably higher small-signal and power
This makes the device especially suitable for application in
high-quality and professional audio equipment, instrumentation and
control circuits, and telephone channel amplifiers. The op amp is
internally compensated for gains equal to one. If very low noise is of
prime importance, it is recommended that the 5532A version be
used because it has guaranteed noise voltage specifications.
Compared to most of the standard operational amplifiers, such as
the 1458, it shows better noise performance, improved output drive
capability and considerably higher small-signal and power
This makes the device especially suitable for application in
high-quality and professional audio equipment, instrumentation and
control circuits, and telephone channel amplifiers. The op amp is
internally compensated for gains equal to one. If very low noise is of
prime importance, it is recommended that the 5532A version be
used because it has guaranteed noise voltage specifications.
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