The CS5510/11/12/13 are low-cost, easy-to-use, ΔΣ analog-
to-digital converters (ADCs) which use chargebalance
techniques to achieve 16-bit (CS5510/11) and
20-bit (CS5512/13) performance. The ADCs are available
in a space-efficient, 8-pin SOIC package and are
optimized for measuring signals in weigh scale, process
control, and other industrial applications.
To accommodate these applications, the ADCs include
a fourth-order ΔΣ modulator and a digital filter. When
configured with an external master clock of 32.768 kHz,
the filter in the CS5510/12 provides better than 80 dB of
simultaneous 50 and 60 Hz line rejection, and outputs
conversion words at 53.5 Sps. The CS5511/13 include
an on-chip oscillator which eliminates the need for an external
clock source.
Low-power, flexible supply configurations, compact pinout,
and ease of use make these products ideal
solutions for cost-conscience and space-constrained applications.
to-digital converters (ADCs) which use chargebalance
techniques to achieve 16-bit (CS5510/11) and
20-bit (CS5512/13) performance. The ADCs are available
in a space-efficient, 8-pin SOIC package and are
optimized for measuring signals in weigh scale, process
control, and other industrial applications.
To accommodate these applications, the ADCs include
a fourth-order ΔΣ modulator and a digital filter. When
configured with an external master clock of 32.768 kHz,
the filter in the CS5510/12 provides better than 80 dB of
simultaneous 50 and 60 Hz line rejection, and outputs
conversion words at 53.5 Sps. The CS5511/13 include
an on-chip oscillator which eliminates the need for an external
clock source.
Low-power, flexible supply configurations, compact pinout,
and ease of use make these products ideal
solutions for cost-conscience and space-constrained applications.
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- 651单片机窗帘控制器仿真程序
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- 5电气工程师手册免费下载(新编第二版pdf电子书)
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- 7电子制作实例集锦 下载
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- 8《LED驱动电路设计》 温德尔著
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