Low Power RTC with Battery ReSeal™,2 IRQs, Hundredths of a Second Time, and Crystal Compensation
The ISL12082 device is a low power real time clock with
timing and crystal compensation, clock/calendar, power fail
indicator, 2 IRQs, periodic or polled alarm, timer/watchdog,
and intelligent battery backup switching.
The oscillator uses an external, low-cost 32.768kHz crystal.
The real time clock tracks time with separate registers for
hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of a second. The
device has calendar registers for date, month, year and day
of the week. The calendar is accurate through 2099, with
automatic leap year correction.
The ISL12082 device is a low power real time clock with
timing and crystal compensation, clock/calendar, power fail
indicator, 2 IRQs, periodic or polled alarm, timer/watchdog,
and intelligent battery backup switching.
The oscillator uses an external, low-cost 32.768kHz crystal.
The real time clock tracks time with separate registers for
hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of a second. The
device has calendar registers for date, month, year and day
of the week. The calendar is accurate through 2099, with
automatic leap year correction.
更多 >
- ISL12082数据表
- AIC2351 datasheet,pdf(Low-Nois
- ADCLK854,pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ADCLK846,pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL54208,pdf,datasheet (Low Vo
- ISL43210 pdf datasheet (Low-Vo
- ISL54504, ISL54505 pdf datashe
- ISL22511 pdf datasheet (Low No
- ISL12023 pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL12008 pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL12022 pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL12032 pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL12030 pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL12030 pdf datasheet (Low Po
- ISL24020 pdf datasheet (Low Co
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