The HA-2841 is a wideband, unity gain stable, operational amplifier featuring a 50MHz unity gain bandwidth, and excellent DC specifications. This amplifier’s performance is further enhanced through stable operation down to closed loop gains of +1, the inclusion of offset null controls, and by its excellent video performance.
The capabilities of the HA-2841 are ideally suited for high speed pulse and video amplifier circuits, where high slew rates and wide bandwidth are required. Gain flatness of 0.05dB, combined with differential gain and phase specifications of 0.03%, and 0.03 degrees, respectively, make the HA-2841 ideal for component and composite video applications.
A zener/nichrome based reference circuit, coupled with advanced laser trimming techniques, yields a supply current with a low temperature coefficient and low lot-to-lot variability. Tighter ICC control translates to more consistent AC parameters ensuring that units from each lot perform the same way, and easing the task of designing systems for wide temperature ranges. Critical AC parameters, Slew Rate and Bandwidth, each vary by less than ±5% over the industrial temperature range (see characteristic curves).
For military grade product, refer to the HA-2841/883 data sheet.
The capabilities of the HA-2841 are ideally suited for high speed pulse and video amplifier circuits, where high slew rates and wide bandwidth are required. Gain flatness of 0.05dB, combined with differential gain and phase specifications of 0.03%, and 0.03 degrees, respectively, make the HA-2841 ideal for component and composite video applications.
A zener/nichrome based reference circuit, coupled with advanced laser trimming techniques, yields a supply current with a low temperature coefficient and low lot-to-lot variability. Tighter ICC control translates to more consistent AC parameters ensuring that units from each lot perform the same way, and easing the task of designing systems for wide temperature ranges. Critical AC parameters, Slew Rate and Bandwidth, each vary by less than ±5% over the industrial temperature range (see characteristic curves).
For military grade product, refer to the HA-2841/883 data sheet.
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