NCP5322A Two−Phase Buck Controller with Integrated Gate Drivers and 5−Bit DAC
The NCP5322A is a second−generation, two−phase step down
controller which incorporates all control functions required to power
high performance processors and high current power supplies.
Proprietary multi−phase architecture guarantees balanced load current
distribution and reduces overall solution cost in high current
applications. Enhanced V2™ control architecture provides the fastest
possible transient response, excellent overall regulation, and ease of
use. The NCP5322A is a second−generation PWM controller because
it optimizes transient response by combining traditional Enhanced V2
with an internal PWM ramp and fast−feedback directly from VCORE to
the internal PWM comparator. These enhancements provide greater
design flexibility, facilitate use and reduce output voltage jitter.
The NCP5322A multi−phase architecture reduces output voltage
and input current ripple, allowing for a significant reduction in filter
size and inductor values with a corresponding increase in inductor
current slew rate. This approach allows a considerable reduction in
input and output capacitor requirements, as well as reducing overall
solution size and cost.
• Enhanced V2 Control Method with Internal Ramp
• Internal PWM Ramp
• Fast−Feedback Directly from VCORE
• 5−Bit DAC with 1.0% Accuracy
• Adjustable Output Voltage Positioning
• 4 On−Board Gate Drivers
• 200 kHz to 800 kHz Operation Set by Resistor
• Current Sensed through Buck Inductors or Sense Resistors
• Hiccup Mode Current Limit
• Individual Current Limits for Each Phase
• On−Board Current Sense Amplifiers
• 3.3 V, 1.0 mA Reference Output
• 5.0 V and/or 12 V Operation
• On/Off Control (through Soft Start Pin)
• Power Good Output with Internal Delay
• Pb−Free Packages are Available
The NCP5322A is a second−generation, two−phase step down
controller which incorporates all control functions required to power
high performance processors and high current power supplies.
Proprietary multi−phase architecture guarantees balanced load current
distribution and reduces overall solution cost in high current
applications. Enhanced V2™ control architecture provides the fastest
possible transient response, excellent overall regulation, and ease of
use. The NCP5322A is a second−generation PWM controller because
it optimizes transient response by combining traditional Enhanced V2
with an internal PWM ramp and fast−feedback directly from VCORE to
the internal PWM comparator. These enhancements provide greater
design flexibility, facilitate use and reduce output voltage jitter.
The NCP5322A multi−phase architecture reduces output voltage
and input current ripple, allowing for a significant reduction in filter
size and inductor values with a corresponding increase in inductor
current slew rate. This approach allows a considerable reduction in
input and output capacitor requirements, as well as reducing overall
solution size and cost.
• Enhanced V2 Control Method with Internal Ramp
• Internal PWM Ramp
• Fast−Feedback Directly from VCORE
• 5−Bit DAC with 1.0% Accuracy
• Adjustable Output Voltage Positioning
• 4 On−Board Gate Drivers
• 200 kHz to 800 kHz Operation Set by Resistor
• Current Sensed through Buck Inductors or Sense Resistors
• Hiccup Mode Current Limit
• Individual Current Limits for Each Phase
• On−Board Current Sense Amplifiers
• 3.3 V, 1.0 mA Reference Output
• 5.0 V and/or 12 V Operation
• On/Off Control (through Soft Start Pin)
• Power Good Output with Internal Delay
• Pb−Free Packages are Available
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