The LM392 series consists of 2 independent building block circuits. One is a high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifier, and the other is a precision voltage comparator. Both the operational amplifier and the voltage comparator have been specifically designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Both circuits have input stages which will common-mode input down to ground when operating from a single power supply. Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low power supply current is independent of the magnitude of the supply voltage.
Application areas include transducer amplifier with pulse shaper, DC gain block with level detector, VCO, as well as all conventional operational amplifier or voltage comparator circuits. Both circuits can be operated directly from the standard 5 VDC power supply voltage used in digital systems, and the output of the comparator will interface directly with either TTL or CMOS logic. In addition, the low power drain makes the LM392 extremely useful in the design of portable equipment.
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