MC9328MX1 i.MX Integrated Portable System Processor
The i.MX family builds on the best-selling DragonBall
family of application processors. Continuing this legacy, the
DragonBall MX (Media Extensions) series provides a leap in
performance with an ARM9 microprocessor core and
highly integrated system functions. i.MX products
specifically address the requirements of the personal,
portable product market by providing intelligent integrated
peripherals, an advanced processor core, and power
management capabilities.
The new MC9328MX1 features the advanced and
power-efficient ARM920T core that operates at speeds up
to 200 MHz. Integrated modules such as an LCD controller,
static RAM, USB support, an A/D converter (with touch panel
control), and an MMC/SD host controller offer a suite of
peripherals to enhance any product seeking to provide a rich
multimedia experience. In addition, the MC9328MX1 is the
first Bluetooth technology-ready applications processor. It
is packaged in a 256-pin Mold Array Process-Ball Grid Array
(MAPBGA).The MC9328MX1 provides the following
Represents the fifth generation of the
industry-leading DragonBall family of
microprocessors for the personal, portable
product market
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