BCD-to-7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver
for Liquid Crystal Displays
General Description
The MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543 BCD-to-7 segment
latch/decoder/driver utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS
technology, and can be used either as a high speed decoder
or as a display driver. This circuit contains a 4-bit latch,
BCD-to-7 segment decoder, and 7 output drivers. Data on
the input pins flow through to the output when the LATCH
ENABLE (LE) is high and is latched on the high to low transition
of the LE input. The PHASE input (PH) controls the
polarity of the 7 segment outputs. When PH is low the outputs
are true 7 segment, and when PH is high the outputs
are inverted 7 segment. When the PHASE input is driven by
a liquid crystal display (LCD) backplane waveform the segment
pins output the correct segment waveform for proper
LCD AC drive voltages.
In addition a BLANKING INPUT (Bl) is provided, which will
blank the display.
The MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543 are functionally and pinout
equivalent to the CD4543BC/CD4543BM and the
MC14543BA/MC14543BC. All inputs are protected from
damage due to static discharge by diodes to VCC and
BCD-to-7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver
for Liquid Crystal Displays
General Description
The MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543 BCD-to-7 segment
latch/decoder/driver utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS
technology, and can be used either as a high speed decoder
or as a display driver. This circuit contains a 4-bit latch,
BCD-to-7 segment decoder, and 7 output drivers. Data on
the input pins flow through to the output when the LATCH
ENABLE (LE) is high and is latched on the high to low transition
of the LE input. The PHASE input (PH) controls the
polarity of the 7 segment outputs. When PH is low the outputs
are true 7 segment, and when PH is high the outputs
are inverted 7 segment. When the PHASE input is driven by
a liquid crystal display (LCD) backplane waveform the segment
pins output the correct segment waveform for proper
LCD AC drive voltages.
In addition a BLANKING INPUT (Bl) is provided, which will
blank the display.
The MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543 are functionally and pinout
equivalent to the CD4543BC/CD4543BM and the
MC14543BA/MC14543BC. All inputs are protected from
damage due to static discharge by diodes to VCC and
更多 >
- HD74HC4543 数据表
- HD74HC4543 数据表
- 74HC4543英文手册 1次下载
- 74HC4543 英版数据手册 0次下载
- CD74HC4543,pdf(High-Speed CMOS
- TC74HC240,TC74HC244/TC74HC241
- 74HC4040 pdf datasheet
- 74HC4020 pdf datasheet
- 74HC4050 pdf datasheet
- 74HC4049 pdf datasheet
- 74HC367 pdf datasheet
- 74HC366 pdf datasheet
- 74HC356 pdf datasheet
- 74HC161 pdf datasheet
- 74HC74A pdf datasheet
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- 电源芯片74HC4953引脚功能(74HC4953内部结构及封装) 4.4w次阅读
- 74hc138中文资料详细(74hc138引脚图及功能表_封装真值表及应用电路图) 28.9w次阅读
- 74hc165级联用法(74hc165级联电路图及程序) 5w次阅读
- 74hc165使用方法(74hc165功能_内部结构图_时序图) 5.2w次阅读
- 74hc165中文资料详细(74hc165工作原理_引脚图及功能_应用电路_逻辑图) 19.6w次阅读
- 用74HC165读8个按键状态 1w次阅读
- 74hc245中文资料详细(74hc245管脚功能_工作原理方法_电气特性及应用电路) 5.8w次阅读
- 基于74HC138的简单解析 1.4w次阅读
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- 74hc244的功能及封装尺寸图 2.4w次阅读
- 74HC04和74HC14的具体区别详解 9.4w次阅读
- 74hc138和74ls138的区别 4.6w次阅读
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