These 8-bit shift registers feature gated serial inputs and
an asynchronous clear. A low logic level at either input
inhibits entry of the new data, and resets the first flip-flop to
the low level at the next clock pulse, thus providing com-
plete control over incoming data. A high logic level on
either input enables the other input, which will then deter-
mine the state of the first flip-flop. Data at the serial inputs
may be changed while the clock is HIGH or LOW, but only
information meeting the setup and hold time requirements
will be entered. Clocking occurs on the LOW-to-HIGH level
transition of the clock input. All inputs are diode-clamped to
minimize transmission-line effects.
n Gated (enable/disable) serial inputs
n Fully buffered clock and serial inputs
n Asynchronous clear
n Typical clock frequency 36 MHz
n Typical power dissipation 80 mW
an asynchronous clear. A low logic level at either input
inhibits entry of the new data, and resets the first flip-flop to
the low level at the next clock pulse, thus providing com-
plete control over incoming data. A high logic level on
either input enables the other input, which will then deter-
mine the state of the first flip-flop. Data at the serial inputs
may be changed while the clock is HIGH or LOW, but only
information meeting the setup and hold time requirements
will be entered. Clocking occurs on the LOW-to-HIGH level
transition of the clock input. All inputs are diode-clamped to
minimize transmission-line effects.
n Gated (enable/disable) serial inputs
n Fully buffered clock and serial inputs
n Asynchronous clear
n Typical clock frequency 36 MHz
n Typical power dissipation 80 mW
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