m 100-pin PQFP
m RTL8019 software compatible
m Supports PnP auto detect mode (RTL8019AS only)
m Compliant to Ethernet II and IEEE802.3 10Base5, 10Base2, 10BaseT
m Software compatible with NE2000 on both 8 and 16-bit slots
m Supports both jumper and jumperless modes
m Supports Microsoft‘s Plug and Play configuration for jumperless mode
m Supports Full-Duplex Ethernet function to double channel bandwidth
m Supports three level power down modes:
- Sleep
- Power down with internal clock running
- Power down with internal clock halted
m Built-in data prefetch function to improve performance
m Supports UTP, AUI & BNC auto-detect (RTL8019AS only)
m Supports auto polarity correction for 10BaseT
m Support 8 IRQ lines
m Supports 16 I/O base address options
and extra I/O address fully decode mode (RTL8019AS only)
m Supports 16K, 32K, 64K and 16K-page mode access to BROM (up to 256 pages with 16K
m Supports BROM disable command to release memory after remote boot
m Supports flash memory read/write (RTL8019AS only)
m 16k byte SRAM built in (RTL8019AS only)
m Use 9346 (64*16-bit EEPROM) to store resource configurations and ID parameters
m Capable of programming blank 9346 on board for manufacturing convenience
m 100-pin PQFP
m RTL8019 software compatible
m Supports PnP auto detect mode (RTL8019AS only)
m Compliant to Ethernet II and IEEE802.3 10Base5, 10Base2, 10BaseT
m Software compatible with NE2000 on both 8 and 16-bit slots
m Supports both jumper and jumperless modes
m Supports Microsoft‘s Plug and Play configuration for jumperless mode
m Supports Full-Duplex Ethernet function to double channel bandwidth
m Supports three level power down modes:
- Sleep
- Power down with internal clock running
- Power down with internal clock halted
m Built-in data prefetch function to improve performance
m Supports UTP, AUI & BNC auto-detect (RTL8019AS only)
m Supports auto polarity correction for 10BaseT
m Support 8 IRQ lines
m Supports 16 I/O base address options
and extra I/O address fully decode mode (RTL8019AS only)
m Supports 16K, 32K, 64K and 16K-page mode access to BROM (up to 256 pages with 16K
m Supports BROM disable command to release memory after remote boot
m Supports flash memory read/write (RTL8019AS only)
m 16k byte SRAM built in (RTL8019AS only)
m Use 9346 (64*16-bit EEPROM) to store resource configurations and ID parameters
m Capable of programming blank 9346 on board for manufacturing convenience
更多 >
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