Driven by the insatiable market demand for real-time, high-definition 3D graphics, the
programmable GPU has evolved into a highly parallel, multithreaded, many-core processor
with tremendous computational horsepower and very high memory bandwidth. The GPU is
especially well-suited to address problems that can be expressed as data-parallel
computations – the same program is executed on many data elements in parallel – with high
arithmetic intensity – the ratio of arithmetic operations to memory operations. Because the
same program is executed for each data element, there is a lower requirement for
sophisticated flow control; and because it is executed on many data elements and has high
arithmetic intensity, the memory access latency can be hidden with calculations instead of big
data caches.
programmable GPU has evolved into a highly parallel, multithreaded, many-core processor
with tremendous computational horsepower and very high memory bandwidth. The GPU is
especially well-suited to address problems that can be expressed as data-parallel
computations – the same program is executed on many data elements in parallel – with high
arithmetic intensity – the ratio of arithmetic operations to memory operations. Because the
same program is executed for each data element, there is a lower requirement for
sophisticated flow control; and because it is executed on many data elements and has high
arithmetic intensity, the memory access latency can be hidden with calculations instead of big
data caches.
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