Unless noted, all specifications describe the instru-
ments’ warranted performance under the following
conditions: 5-minute warm-up from ambient condi-
tions, autocoupled controls, digital display, IF ADJ
and 1ST LO OUTPUT terminated in 50 Ω. After a
30-minute warm-up, and over a temperature range
of 20 °C to 30 °C, the preselector does not have to
be peaked at each signal of interest; under these
conditions factory preselector peak values are suf-
ficient to meet all specifications. Typical perform-
ance is nonwarranted. Supplemental characteris-
tics are denoted by “nominal” and “approximately”;
these constitute nonwarranted functional perform-
ance information derived during the design
process and are not tested on a continuing basis.
ments’ warranted performance under the following
conditions: 5-minute warm-up from ambient condi-
tions, autocoupled controls, digital display, IF ADJ
and 1ST LO OUTPUT terminated in 50 Ω. After a
30-minute warm-up, and over a temperature range
of 20 °C to 30 °C, the preselector does not have to
be peaked at each signal of interest; under these
conditions factory preselector peak values are suf-
ficient to meet all specifications. Typical perform-
ance is nonwarranted. Supplemental characteris-
tics are denoted by “nominal” and “approximately”;
these constitute nonwarranted functional perform-
ance information derived during the design
process and are not tested on a continuing basis.
更多 >
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