Controlling Impedances When Nets Branch Out:It is not uncommon for a driver to drive numerous
receivers. In some designs it is impractical, or
undesirable, to drive every receiver from a single trace
segment. In such cases it is common to design a trace
that branches out into two or more branches, each
serving a select number of receivers. The question
then becomes where to place the branch point.
Improper placement of the branch point can have
serious implications from an impedance discontinuity
standpoint, resulting in reflections that can have signal
integrity consequences. This paper describes several
ways to deal with the branching problem in designs if they come up.
receivers. In some designs it is impractical, or
undesirable, to drive every receiver from a single trace
segment. In such cases it is common to design a trace
that branches out into two or more branches, each
serving a select number of receivers. The question
then becomes where to place the branch point.
Improper placement of the branch point can have
serious implications from an impedance discontinuity
standpoint, resulting in reflections that can have signal
integrity consequences. This paper describes several
ways to deal with the branching problem in designs if they come up.
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